Sunday, October 22, 2006

Create a signed jar

Create a signed Jar file

need to use keytool and jarsigner

C:\> keytool -genkey -validity
C:\> keytool -selfcert -validity -keypass
C:\> jarsigner test.jar mykey

Not all the detail, it will be edit later but you can use the upper command to finish it.

signed jar for web start application.

Ant jar file ( Do you remember the script? )

Very simple Ant to create jar file

*project name="XDoclet Generator" default="jar"*
*target name="jar" description="Create binary distribution after xxx"*
*!-- Create application JAR file --*
*mkdir dir="MyJarDir"*
*jar jarfile="MyJarDir/MyJarFile.jar" basedir="classes"*

Simple easy under stand but let me write down.... thx. I easy forget