Saturday, March 07, 2009

GWT learning Part 1

reference Google Web Toolkit tutorial:

Leaning Google Web Toolkit
Download the Google Web Toolkit from Google Web Toolkit according your operating system.
In the tutorial, Google seems suggest us to use Eclipse IDE as a development tool. This tutorial will follow the Google tutorial and add video to explain the how to create the eclipse project and the file structure.
Let start now, are you ready? Go.
Create the Application folder with sample class.
Cmd: ./applicationCreator –eclipse StockWatcher –out StockWatcher test.client.StockWatcher
remark: use client as a last package for full path Classname.

Cmd: ./publicCreator –eclipse StockWatcher –out StockWatcher
This command is like the applicationCreator. It for create the project and classpath files of eclipse configuration.

After complete execute the cmd, you could execute the StockWatcher-shell the open the GWT browser and software to preview the generate website.

Monday, February 25, 2008


The following link is the teach of use JFreeChart library.

Friday, February 15, 2008

The best java script table sorting

That is a good sample to table sorting by javascript.

It could sort data with "/" and can be sort number and char very well in same column.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

No install version mysql5 on windows

MySQL is a good database for testing.
Today i try to install in company, it is very easy to use as no install version (just need to unzip)

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

To prevent execute oracle sql script to prompt input dialog

It is very simple, just a single line command.


After execute that command the oracle will not prompt the input dialog when your SQL query contains '&' char.

Hope this help ~

Wednesday, February 06, 2008

SSH and Remote Desktop

Today I find a useful document to talk about the SSH connection.
I using this configuration exactly on my Vista PC.
I can connect to home PC and via browser web page via Home network.
I think it better than use company proxy server as I don't want to leave any history.

Hope this page can help any people want to setup the SSH.

Thursday, January 31, 2008

Excel to create drop down list

Less chance to use excel, i only use it when i am study in IVE.
I read the special excel, it could create a complicate drop down list. I am interest so i try to find the solution....
This is a good site to teach that simple method to create drop down list.